Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Yoga sutras - Iyamam

Yoga sutras - Iyamam

The first step in Yoga is Iyamam.

What is Iyamam? 

Iyamam means avoiding bad things. Why we have to avoid bad things and what are bad things?

Before we answer these questions, let us look into our Purnas and Idhihasas and other folklores. In those, there are lot of Asuras who pray to god and get lot of boons. After getting those boons, what did they do? They indulge in bad things, harm the good people etc. 

Why? Praying to god for years together is not an easy job. Gods appear before them appreciating their penance. It is such a feat. After reaching that level of penance, even after seeing god, those asuras do bad things. 

That is because they have not trained their mind properly before getting into those penances. Their mind is still behind those worldly aspirations. It is not able to rise above the mundane things. 

When you do yoga, you will get some power. What do you do with those powers depends on your mindset?  If your mind is on wealth, you will use those powers to get more wealth. 

So, the body and mind have to be prepared for a higher level. 

To achieve that, first, we get to get rid of bad habits. 

What are bad habits?

click the above link to continue reading 

Difficult to answer. 

There are various lists of bad things like non-violence, not telling untruth, alcoholism etc. I am not getting into those lists because once we open the list, the arguments will start. What is wrong in eating meat or drinking alcohol etc. 

You decide what is good and bad for you. 

If you think over-eating, non-exercising, cheating others, killing others, laziness, procrastination etc are all good for you, so be it. It is up to you. 

Books can only guide up to a certain level. If we keep arguing with the books for everything, there will be no end. 

Second, we cannot achieve anything good without getting rid of bad things first. We cannot think of achieving a healthy body with over-eating habit. First junk food, unhealthy food, excessive food, harmful foods are to be eliminated.  Then good food has to come. 

Make a Not-To-Do-List first. What are all things you want to get rid of. Make that list first. Unless you find time to do good things, you cannot do it. 

Many people complain that they do not have time for reading, exercise etc. Sure. Unless they cut down their time from Whatsapp, Netflix, Facebook, Youtube etc, they will not find time for good things. 

Don't worry about Aasanam, Pranaayayam etc. They will come later. 

First, make a list of things you want to get rid of.

Procrastination, laziness, oversleep/eat, unorganized way of doing things, sharp tongue, anger, jealousy, gossiping, wasteful reading, over screen time etc. 

Clean the house first. Then we can bring new things.

In this new year, make a resolution to get rid of bad old habits. 

That is Iyamam.

Next, we will see what is Niyamam. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Ashtanga Yoga

 Ashtanga Yoga


Let us jump straight into the heart of the matter and then we will come back to the basics.

Ashta means eight (8). The Yoga is divided into 8 parts. In fact, they call it steps. You have to climb them one after another. You cannot jump to 4 th step from the ground. You will and get injured if you do so. People try to jump, people try to find short-cuts.

What are the 8 steps?

(click the link to continue reading)

1.      Iyamam

2.      Niyamam

3.      Aasanam

4.      Prnaayaamam

5.      Prathtyaakaaram

6.      Thaarannai

7.      Thiyaanam

8.      Samadhi


In this list, the first 4 belongs to the discipline of body and the next four is about the mind.

Without getting the body under control, we cannot control the mind.

The body is gross…it can be touched, felt, organized, disciplined. We cannot directly access the mind. We can reach the mind through the body. Body and mind are so closely interrelated.

Yoga means integrating. Integrating what?

Integrating body and mind.

Our body pulls in one direction and our mind in another direction. We do not know who is in control of our life. Sometimes, it looks body drives and some other times, it is the mind which directs the flow.

Yoga brings a synthesis between the two and makes it unified.

People jump to 3 part directly, Aasanam and call it yoga.

Even if somebody jumps to Aasanam directly, why to do Aasanaas? For what purpose? Why to sit straight, bend your body in so many postures? For what purpose?

Yoga has become too commercialized and there are so many brands for Yogas.

It has become a fitness process.

It is not. Yoga’s objective is to integrate the mind and body and attain the calm, peaceful and tranquil status of mind. A mind void of all disturbances, distractions, and confusions.

How that is achieved?

We are going to see it in the days to come.

Yoga Sutra - An introduction - Part 1

Yoga Sutra - An introduction - Part 1

Our mind is shaped by our past. More precisely by our childhood experiences. Our mind is continuously shaped by what our parents, teachers, the movies we saw, our friends, relatives, society etc. All these sources have a lot of conflicts within them. Most of the sources do not know what they are doing or why. They dump all their views into our brain. 

Our ability to form relationships with others, to confront various situations in life, ability to take a risk, explore, our open-mindedness, sense of judgement, etc.,  are defined by our mind. 

If our mind is not clear, if it is wavering, pulled all over, in different conflicting directions, then we get confused. We do not know what to do or how to do. We get scared, confused, frustrated, exhausted with life. 

To have clarity of thinking, the mind has to be clear. 

The mind should be void of all disturbances, all biases, fear, doubts, etc.

How to get such clarity, calmness, steadiness?

That is what the whole Yoga Sastra is about. 

Unfortunately, in today’s world, Yoga means exercise, fitness, flexibility, health etc. 

Those are by-products of yoga. The main objective of yoga is the tranquillity of mind, calmness and peacefulness of mind.  

With that single purpose, yoga sastra is created.

Should we explore this subject?